
Skin: Flesh: Core, 2017.

Skin: Flesh: Core was my fourth solo exhibition. I became fascinated with fruit biology and learning about individual fruits in relation to the human body. Through research and personal experiences I explored the various aesthetic, nutritional, cultural and symbolic connections each of the fruits had with humans and the body. The works were built up in layers using various printmaking techniques which allowed me to weave together these different layers of history and meaning within the artwork. I also made ceramic bowls cast from grapefruit which could be used to consume fresh fruit. Through taste and tactility the body was engaged on different sensory levels as a way to experience something familiar in a new way. The act of engaging with the work became a reverent holding of, sensing and appreciating the wondrous thing that is fruit.

Dedications: Remedies, 2016

Dedications: Remedies was my fourth solo exhibition that looked at the relationship between medicine and the body; its outer manifestations and its inner processes. The artworks took as their subject matter the various plant-based remedies that I was using on a regular basis, ranging from teas, tinctures, essences, essential oils and supplements. The project began with a fascination for what these plants actually looked like in their original form and a great curiosity and intrigue for how they interact with the body on a cellular level. The project was an attempt to better understand the plants, the body and the physical and/or emotional conditions they are intended to relieve by imagining a new space in which they can exist and interact. 

This exhibition was a multi-sensory installation incorporating 11 large scale print works on paper, 5 fermented herbal elixirs (which were based on 5 of the print works), ceramic slip cast cups and smell (essential oil was diffused in the gallery space). The drinks provided a different vehicle for the viewer to experience the artworks, a more intimate and physical way to engage with the themes of the exhibition.

My philosophy

Creative: I truly believe we have the capacity to create the life we want, that we are creative beings and we have power and agency in our life. We can know, learn and explore so much through creative expression. I believe in our ability to use our imagination to envision what we want to see in the world and to take steps in our own life towards creating that- to step into a space of free will. 

Magic: I believe that the quality of magic- to be beautiful and delightful- can be a part of our everyday life if we choose it be. We are creative beings and there is also a power expressing itself through us that is biggest than us. Some things are a mystery and we can trust the mystery and magic- be open to it and feel wonder. 

Spaces: I want to create deeply held spaces, containers, for sharing our humanity, our experiences, our pain, our dreams. I want spaces where I and other can feel free to be fully ourself, to be seen, even the messy, ugly, or ‘unacceptable’ parts. This is the space of true healing, true relationship and authenticity.